Hello, The other day on my Twitter I had received a request from this artist named Naomi. NaomiMusicUK Curious and interested to find...
Jonathan Roy
Today I missed the interview on the radio as I was curious to hear the voice of the HOCKEY Player(son of Patrick Roy) Did some search of...

Jonathan Emile - Hi-Lo
Support Local Talent I don't own neither this content nor the photo.(wikipedia) For more info:

HEAVY SoundZ ~ Performing live on stage in Montreal 2015 Buy their Music: Heavy Soundz Latino (HipHop...
Teddy Joseph also known as: "The Insider"
Teddy Joseph is a Haitian Origins and grew up in Montreal.PHOTO BY;aNGELO nERI pHOTOGRAPHY / & His...
Montrealer MONSTA PoP + Mecdy Jean-Pierre
Here is Montreal's dancers well known as AkA MonstaPoP + Mecdy Jean-Pierre Listen and watch this interview by by Youval (also known as...

Networking and collaborating together with Social Media and giving them a voice to promote it all!
I" Love" and support local and acroos Canada Music Artists in various styles: Hip Hop - Rock - Rap Dance Street Events Etc...

Can I have some "Soul Clap 2014"
#soulclap #distorsion #maguzan